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分享打印 2016-10-11 14:41 编辑:薇薇     来源:      字体: [大][中][小]    


  冷轧厂的气候友好型供热 | Heating the Mill in a Climate-Friendly Manner

  为了改变金属的冶金特性,需要将产品加热至700°C的高温。然而在随后的冷却过程中所散失的热量通常都不会被利用。作为第一个利用废弃能源的冷轧厂,德国哈根的BILSTEIN公司采用了一套ORC (有机兰金循环)系统来利用这些能量产生电和热量。这项技术拓展已将退火系统的能源效率提升了39%。工厂每年的二氧化碳排放量减少了大约1300公吨。

  In order to change the metallurgical properties of products, they are heated up to 700 °C. The heat escaping during the subsequent cooling process often goes unused. As the first cold rolling mill to do so, the BILSTEIN company from Hagen now uses an ORC system (Organic Rankine Cycle) in order to exploit this energy to generate electricity and heat. This technical expansion has increased the energy efficiency of the annealing system by 39 per cent. This saves the plant around 1,300 tonnes of CO2 per year.

  尽管ORC处理工艺已经存在很长一段时间了,但并一直没有得到很好的利用。 BILSTEIN股份有限公司同Ascentec,DeVeTec公司合作为冷压厂专门开发了一套既经济又环保的ORC解决方案。新的系统能够去除罩式去火系统气体循环中的热量,将热量转移到工作乙醇液体中。乙醇蒸发推动活塞发动机而不是通常的ORC涡轮机。热能被转换成机械能带动发电机发电。这样一来机械能就被转换成了电能。

  Although the ORC process has been around for quite a while, it is not consistently used in industry. BILSTEIN GmbH & Co. KG together with the Ascentec and DeVeTec companies has developed an ORC solution specifically designed for the cold rolling mill, which is both economical and climate-friendly. The new system removes heat from the gas circulating in the bell-type annealing system and transfers this heat to the working fluid of ethanol. Instead of the usual ORC turbine, the evaporating ethanol then drives a piston engine. Thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy, which drives a generator. This then converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.

  此项技术是开发利用温度在200°C至400°C的废热。 一般来说,这些废热都不会被会被回收利用,而是直接被排放到周围环境中。使用ORC系统能够以较低的投资实现较高的效能。不同于涡轮发动机,活塞发动机在不连续热量输入的情况下也能工作。对于北威州这样一个拥有众多金属加工厂的工业州来说,这项技术将为低成本温室气体减排发挥重要作用,尤其是在中小企业中。

  The technology used here exploits the use of "waste heat" at temperatures of between 200 and 400 °C. Typically, this heat simply remains unused and is released into the surrounding environment. With the ORC system, a high level of efficiency can be achieved for a comparatively low investment. The piston engine in the ORC system can even work with discontinuous heat input, which is what distinguishes it from a turbine. For NRW, a state that is strongly characterised by industry and is home to many metal processing companies, this technology can play a key role in the economic reduction of greenhouse gases, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises.

  BILSTEIN 将自己产生的电力全部当场利用。例如,他们将产生的热量用作大楼取暖。 总的来说,该项技术提高了能源效率,每年为冷轧厂节省了90万千瓦时的电量和400万千瓦时用于取暖和工业用热的能量。请关注公众微信号: BILSTEIN-SH

  BILSTEIN uses the self-generated electricity exclusively on site. The company uses the thermal energy generated, for example, to heat the building. In total, the cold rolling mill saves up to 900,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity and four million kilowatt-hours of energy for heating and process heat annually thanks to the efficiency increases.

QQ:153405099 电话:13783683896           刘先生


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